who are we?
We offer high-quality sound in a studio built in the 80s by Mike Llewellyn Jones, maintaining the original design and acoustics. One of the few studios remaining in the world today with these characteristics. We carry on the legacy of the great Bori Alarcón, with Caco Refojo at the helm, captained by Gemma Lapeña, and with the invaluable assistance of Frank Lozano.
We are the showroom for Swissaudio, the official distributor of PSI Audio in Spain. Caco Refojo is the brand ambassador for PSI Audio in Spain. If you need to test a PSI Audio monitor, don't hesitate to contact us.
Our work philosophy combines the principles of old-school engineers with the modern way of working. After many years of hard work, we have achieved our dream in the form of a studio, and we make it available to you.